5 Performing the test
Adapter 2:
Adapter 3:
PE Filter
Operating manual
Included; for testing single-channel pipettes without pipette
Available separately (optional); for testing multichannel
pipettes with and without pipette tips, with four channels al-
ways being tested simultaneously. The 4-channel adapter
can be used for 4-, 8-, and 12-channel pipettes.
If a leak is detected, three channels can be closed with caps.
The leaking channel can be identified through subsequent
single-channel testing.
During multichannel pipette testing, the tips can be allowed
to remain in the adapter when the device is disconnected.
They can then simply be removed by hand or left inserted for
the next test.
To protect the device from moisture and contamination, an
easily removable PE filter is provided at the bottom of the sil-
icone adapter.
PLT unit 997960