Gateway Setup
5.4.2 Via WI-FI
To configure the gateway on a local Wi-Fi network, you must first set the "Operating Mode" field to "Client". Once
selected, you have to fill in the fields shown in the figure below.
To fill in the fields, consider the table below:
Field Name
Operating Mode
Must be kept in "Client" so that the gateway Wi-Fi can be configured on the local Wi-Fi network
In this field, enter the name of the WI-Fi network even if you want to connect the gateway
In this field, you must choose the security level that the local Wi-Fi network requires to connect. The table
Security Mode
next to this one describes the available security modes
If DHCP is chosen, the network will automatically set the IP address of the gateway. If static is chosen, you
IP Allocation
must enter the network data, in addition to the pre-selected IP address. DNS fields
may remain empty, as WEG application does not use them
If you select to add a second Wi-Fi network, you will need to fill in a second configuration data set with the
Add Secondary Wi-Fi
information of this second network (SSID + Security Mode + IP Allocation)
If this option is present (check if the gateway "firmware" is equal to 2.0.3 or up in the "Status" tab), the
user can activate a security mode which allows the gateway to return to "Hotspot" mode (mode where the
Verify Before Saving
gateway has its own Wi-Fi network to set it) in case the Wi-Fi network settings fail. This mode avoids the
need to reset the gateway to the factory settings if the Wi-Fi network is incorrectly configured
28 | Gateway Cassia X2000
Figure 5.10: Fields for setting the Wi-Fi network in client mode
Table 5.3: Table with Wi-Fi network settings fields