Clutch lever
Front brake lever
Rear brake pedal
Gear-change lever
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Control devices and controls
The clutch lever is located on the left-hand side
of the handlebars.
The tension of the clutch is adjusted using the
screw (Maintenance Sect.).
The position of the clutch lever can be adjusted
by varying the position of the lever-light switch
assembly (Maintenance Sect.).
The front brake lever is located on the right-hand
side of the handlebars.
The tension of the brake cable is adjusted using the
tensioning wheel (Maintenance Sect.).
The position of the brake lever can be adjusted by
varying the position of the brake lever assembly
(Maintenance Sect.).
The rear brake pedal
right footrest.
The rear brake pedal is adjusted by varying the
position of the threaded shaft (Maintenance Sect.).
The gear-change lever is located in front of the
left footrest.
The XY125 4-stroke gearbox consists of 5 gears
and a neutral position.
To vary the position of the gear lever, see the
Riding instructions Sect.
is located in front of the