Condition of the brake pads
Condition of the tyres
Condition of the chain tensioner
The wear on the thickness of the pads is produ-
ced in the area of contact between the disc and the
brake pads.
Riding the machine with a brake pad thickness of
less than 1 mm may damage the discs.
Much of the good performance of the motorcycle
depends on the type, condition and correct pressure
of the tyres.
Front tyre pressure: MAX. 0.8 – MIN. 0.4
Rear tyre pressure: MAX. 0.8 – MIN. 0.4
Avoid riding the machine if the minimum tread is not
greater than 2 mm.
The chain tensioner is one of the elements that su-
ffers most wear, especially the spring, which is res-
ponsible for maintaining the pressure on the chain.
Keep the tensioner clean and well greased.
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