The HANDBIKE BATEC HIBRID product turns a manual wheelchair
into a hand-powered tricycle with electrical assistance. It allows peo-
ple with disabilities who use a wheelchair to travel longer distances
and more difficult routes than would be possible with a manual wheel-
chair alone. This makes them more independent in their daily lives and
helps them get healthy physical exercise.
HANDBIKE BATEC HIBRID has CE marking as a class I medical device
according to the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 concern-
ing medical devices.
First, the handbike must be attached to a wheelchair. Once the two
parts have been joined, we have a three-wheeled vehicle with the seat
on the wheelchair and transmission and traction on the front wheel.
To operate the handbike, just activate its transmission by pedalling
with your hands or pressing on the accelerator. This will provide trac-
tion to the front wheel.
This product aims to provide wheelchair users (people with a disabil-
ity that makes it impossible for them to walk) with attractive, practical
products that are useful both in their daily life and for doing recrea-
tional activities and sport.
Thanks to the product configuration, users can do longer and more
complicated trips than with a wheelchair alone, boosting independ-
ence and autonomy.
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The HANDBIKE BATEC HIBRID is indicated for users with the following
• With a disability affecting the lower limbs, who use a wheelchair
and whose upper limbs are not affected and have full functionality
of their hands. For these users, models with either the standard or
PARA set-up are indicated.
• With a disability affecting the lower limbs, who use a wheelchair and
whose upper limbs are partially affected and have good functionality
of their arms and partial functionality of their hands, enough to accel-
erate, brake and turn without risk. For these users, models with the
QUAD set-up are indicated. For those with spinal injuries, the most se-
vere level that can use models with the QUAD set-up is functional C6.
It is essential to have good biceps function and firm wrist extension.
Additionally, for safety reasons, the HANDBIKE BATEC HIBRID may
only be used by people who:
• Have been instructed on how to operate it.
• Have the physical and psychological conditions required to operate
it safely in all situations.
• Are able to brake the wheelchair and stop it if the device fails.
The HANDBIKE BATEC HIBRID is not recommended in the following
• People whose physical and/or psychological condition does not allow
them to move around safely in situations with traffic.
• People who weigh over 110 kg.
• For the quad models, quadriplegic people who don't have at least the
arm mobility described in this user manual.
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