It must be installed a "T" with hermetic cover at the stove exit smoke that allows the regular inspection or the heavy dust download.
In the models, Zoe, Rita, Princesa, Noa, Noa Vision, Leticia, Alba, Kira, Nina, Eva and Coral the "T" of register is included with the stove.
In drawing D8 are represented the basic requirements for the chimney installation of a thermo-stove:
The flue must be away from flammable or combustible materials through an appropriate insulation or an air chamber. Inside the pipes, it is
forbidden the use of air abduction channels. It is also prohibited to do mobile or fixed openings for connecting other different equipments.
The smoke duct must be staunchness set to the equipment and it can have a maximum inclination of 45° whereby excessive deposits of
condensation produced in the initial stages of ignition and / or excessive soot formation is avoided. Moreover, it avoids the slowing down of
the smoke when it comes out.
The lack of sealing of the connection may cause the malfunction of the equipment.
The internal diameter of the connection pipe should correspond to the external diameter of the chimney of the equipment.
In drawing D9 you can see the requirements for a correct installation.
The chimney draft also depends on the chimney cowl. Therefore, in case of an artisanal chimney cowl, it is indispensable the exit section
would be twice the inside section of the smoke duct. The smoke throughout will be assured even in presence or air (see drawing D10).
The chimney cowl must comply with the following requirements:
It must have the same interior section of the chimney.
It must have an usable exit section that is two times the one of the interior of the chimney.
It must be constructed so that the rain, snow or any other objet do not enter inside.
It must be easily accessible in order to do servicing and cleaning tasks.
(1) Industrial chimney of
prefabricated elements
that allow a good smoke
Minimum height 1.5
Minimum height 1.5
(2) Traditional chimney. The
proper exit section must be,
at least, two times the interior
section of the chimney. The best
is 2.5 times.
(3) Chimney with interior cone
smoke baffle-plate.