18.2 Main Display Page (TX Exciter).
When in STANDBY mode and, having a transceiver connected to one of the two inputs
of the linear the TX is switched to, there is a context change and the Main Display
Page showing the STANDBY Mode changes to another display page (TX Exciter)
which shows the input power signal level both in graphical form (by means of a level
bar) and in numerical format (W pep).
The level bar and the numerical indication have a maximum peak hold function with a
programmed delay of about 1 second.
When the connected transceiver is switched back to RX mode the Main Display Page
showing the STANDBY state is displayed again .
During the whole transmission period the SWR cell inside the Status Bar displays in
real-time the current value of the Standing Wave Ratio; when back in reception mode
the null value "--.--" is shown.
Manual de usuario
Página 46 de 46
(exciter only)