The Selected input settings are used for characterizing some parameters relative to
both the inputs and they are:
• ANTENNA for setting the proper antenna (up to a maximum of two) for every
ham band relative to the selected input.
• CAT for setting the proper CAT interface relative to the selected input.
• MANUAL TUNE for making some manual fine-tune operations inside the tuned
band relative to the selected input.
The Global settings perform their action over the whole system and they are:
• BACKLIGHT for setting the LCD backlight brightness.
• CONTEST for setting one of the two handling modes of the amplifier's cooling
fans (CONTEST On/Off).
• BEEP for enabling/disabling the acoustical feedback following any keystroke
coming from the amplifier's keyboard.
• START for setting the amplifier's startup mode (STANDBY/OPERATE) occurring
after the next power-up.
• TEMP. for displaying the temperature measurements using either Celsius
degrees (°C) or Fahrenheit degrees (°F).
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