No electrical supply (24 V).
The power is reduced
Possible causes:
At high rpm, the power has decreased.
CH is not reaching correct temperature
Possible causes:
Water pressure in installation is too low.
No È
Room thermostat is not set correctly.
No È
Temperature is set too low.
No È
No flow through the installation.
No È
The boiler power is not set correctly.
No È
No heat transfer due to contamination in the CH
No domestic hot water
Possible causes:
The service display shows nothing.
No È
The service display shows nothing.
No È
Flow sensor does not work.
No È
Tap flow < 1.5 l/min.
No È
No electricity supply on flow sensor (5V DC).
No È
S3 faulty.
No È
The thermostatic shower or bath tap is faulty.
DHW is not reaching the correct temperature
Possible causes:
Tap flow too high.
No È
DHW temperature set too low.
CH installation becomes hot during tapping.
No È
Insufficient heat transfer due to lime scale or
contamination in the CH boiler on the tap water
Replace the faulty controller. Check the wiring in accordance with the diagram.
Yes Æ
Check the connector X4.
Replace the faulty controller.
Clean the unit and siphon.
Yes Æ
Check the flue tube and the air supply system.
Yes Æ Top up the installation. See par. 6.1.1.
Yes Æ Check the setting and adjust if required.
Increase the CH temperature See Operation CH. If there is an outdoor sensor:
Yes Æ
Check the outdoor sensor for short circuit: rectify this.
Check the ΔT (± 20° C) between the supply and return CH. Ensure there is good
Yes Æ
flow through the installation.
Yes Æ Adjust the boiler power. See Setting maximum CH power.
Yes Æ Rinse the CH boiler/installation on the side of the CH.
Yes Æ Check whether the plug is in the socket.
Yes Æ Check the fuse, see Electrical diagram par. 10.1
Yes Æ Replace the flow sensor.
Yes Æ Increase the tap flow.
Yes Æ Check the wiring in accordance with the diagram.
Yes Æ Replace S3.
The thermostatic tap only lets through cold water. This means the tap flow through
Yes Æ
the boiler remains under 1.5 l/min. Check the thermostatic tap.
Reduce the tap flow. Check the dosing disk (RKOMBG22AAV1 and
Yes Æ
Yes Æ Increase the DHW temperature, see par. 7.1.
Unwanted circulation in the ch circuit during hot water request due to thermosiphon
Yes Æ
effect or second pump in the CH circuit. Install a check valve in case of
thermosiphon effect or a two-way valve in case of a second pump.
Yes Æ Remove lime scale or rinse the CH boiler on the tap water side.