Define Tined Lead Thresholds
Manually Recording the Motor and Sensory Responses
Motor and sensory responses associated with
stimulation at each electrode can be manually recorded .
Entering the motor and sensory responses is optional .
For example, if the patient is not awake during the
implant procedure, the sensory response can be left as
"None . "
If saved, the response data and stimulation thresholds
are displayed when communicating with a Stimulator .
This data can be used to inform which stimulation
settings to use for therapy, and the CP will provide
recommended electrode configurations based on
this information . For example, if the stimulation with
a particular electrode elicited a "bad" sensation,
that electrode will not be included in recommended
electrode configurations .
Clear All Thresholds
The 'Clear All' button -
( 7 ) - appears once a
threshold value has been obtained (at the first test
stimulation) .
Pressing this button will clear established thresholds
on all electrodes and allows this process to be started
over . This option may be useful if the tined lead is
repositioned, for example .
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