HanDling – Evacuation
(Automatic descent)
For automatic descent the equipment shall be normally used with rEsq dd™ top-mount-
ed, at which the lanyard arrestor becomes static and the rescue lanyard is attached to the
person(s) needing evacuation. An assisting person (operator) shall be positioned up at
the lanyard arrestor and if necessary control the descent process by holding the lanyard
Only once the last evacuee is ready to be evacuated. i.e. the operator him/herself is
about to be lowered, the equipment is reattached so that the lanyard arrestor is affixed
to the harness' approved A-point chest eye loop and follows the operator down to the
ground. To avoid/ensure uncontrolled stoppage of ResQ DD during unsupervised descent
it is recommended that the equipment is "person-specifically" mounted, eliminating the
risk of blocking the lanyard feed.
Top-mounted lanyard arrestor
- Evacuation of several persons (shuttle descent)
when using rEsq dd™ in sub-zero temperatures it is recommended
before descent to activate the winder function and to advance around 1-2
decimetres of rope, de-activate the winder and ensure that the rope runs
normally through rEsq dd™. see chapter 7 - handling.
© CRESTO AB 2013 | RESQ DD CM1 V 1.4 - SE | PAT.PEND. 11196042.3 | 2013-06-03
Fig. 8
Personally-fitted lanyard arrestor
– Evacuation of last person(s)
Fig. 9
| 13