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Craftsman 247.88790 Manual Del Operador página 12

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Cold Start
NOTE:if the unitshowsanysignof motion(driveor augers)with the
clutchgripsdisengaged, s hut theengineoff immediately, R eadiustas
instructedin the "FinalAdjustments" s ectionof the AssemblyInstruc-
WARNING:The electric starter must be properly
grounded at all times to avoid the possibility of elec-
tric shock which may be injuriousto the operator.
1, Determinewhetheryourhousewiringis a three-wiregrounded
system,Ask a licensedelectricianif you are not certain,
WARNING:if your house wiring system is not a
three-wire grounded system, do not use this electric
starter under any conditions.
a, if yourhousewiringsystemis groundedand a three-hole
receptacleis notavailableat the pointthe snow throwerstarter
will normallybe used,one shouldbe installedby a licensed
b, Whenconnectingthe powercord,alwaysconnectcordto
starteron enginefirst, then plug theotherend intoa three-hole
c, Whendisconnecting the powercord, alwaysunplugthe end
from thethree-hole,groundedreceptaclefirst,
2, Attachspark plugwireto sparkplug,
3, Makesurethat the augerand drivecontrolsare in the disengaged
(up) position,
4, Movethrottlecontrolleverto FASTposition,
5, Pushkey intothe ignitionslot and snapin place,Do notturn key,
6, Connectpowercord to switch boxon the engine,
7, Rug theotherend of thepowercord intoa three-hole,grounded
120volt A,C, receptacle,
8, Rotatechoke knobto FULLchoke position(coldenginestart), if
engineis warm,placechokein OFF positioninsteadof FULL,
9, Pushtheprimerthreetimes,
10,Pushdownon the starterbutton untilthe enginestarts,Do not
crankfor morethan 10 secondsat a time,This electricstarteris
thermallyprotected,If overheated, i t willstop automaticallyand can
be restartedonly whenit hascooledto a safetemperature(a wait
of 5 -10minutesis required),
11,Whentheengine starts,releasethe starterbuttonand slowlyrotate
the choketo OFF position,If theengine falters,rotatethe choketo
FULLand then graduallyto OFR
12,Disconnectthe powercordfrom the receptaclefirst and thenfrom
the switchboxon the engine,
13,Allowthe engineto warmup fora few minutesbecausethe engine
will notdevelopfull poweruntil it reachesoperatingtemperature,
Operatethe engineat full throttle(FAST)whenthrowingsnow,
Makesurethat the enginehas sufficientoil and the augerdrive and
the drivecontrol leversare released,
Cold Start
1, Move throttlecontrolto FASTposition,
2, Turnfuelvalve on, if so equipped,
3, Pushkey into the ignitionslot and snap in place,Donot turn key,
4, Rotatechokecontrolto FULL chokeposition,
5, Pushthe primerbuttonwhilecoveringthe venthole, Removeyour
fingerfrom the primerbetweenprimes,Donot primeif temperature
is above500F; primetwo timesbetween500F and 150 F; and
primefour timesbelow150R
6, Pull the starterhandlerapidly,Do notallowthe handleto snap
back, butallowit to rewindslowlywhilekeepinga firm hold on the
7, As the enginewarmsup,rotate thechoke knobslowlyto OFF
position,If theenginefalters, returnto FULLchoke,thenslowly
moveto OFFchoke position,
8, Allowthe engineto warm up for a few minutesbecausethe engine
will not developfull poweruntilit reachesoperatingtemperature,
9, Operatethe engineat fullthrottle(FAST)whenthrowingsnow,
Warm Start
If restartinga warm engineaftera temporaryshut down,rotatechoke
to OFF insteadof FULLand do not prime,Pull starterhandleas
NOTE:Allowthe engineto warm up for a few minutesas the engine
will not developfull poweruntilit reachesoperatingtemperature,
Frozen Recoil Starter
If the starteris frozenand will not turnthe engine,proceedasfollows:
1, Pull as muchrope outof the starteras possible,
2, Releasethe starterhandleand let it snap backagainstthe starter,
3, If the enginestill fails to start, repeatthe first two steps,If continued
attemptsdo not freestarter,followthe electricstarterprocedures to
4, Avoidfreezingof the recoilstarterby referringto instructionsbelow,
1, Run enginefor a few minutesto help dry off any moistureon
2, Avoidfreezingof thestarter byfollowingthese stepsbeforestop-
ping the snowthrower:

