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Regulatlng N......•Tread
The neeclle-threed tension dial regulates the
amount of tension on the needle threed and leu
seleet just the right setting for vour fabric
and thread. The numbers on the dial elimil'1llte
guesswork in duplicating settings.
Correet tension is importent beca use toa much
or toa Iittle will weeken your seams or mar the
appearance of decorativa work. To determine
the correct tension, make e test on a semple of
vour fabrico If the stitches Iook 10018. increele
tension. If the fabric puekers, decreese tension.
• To incr_ tension. turn to higher number.
tenlion. turn to Iower number.
Regulatlng Pres_r Foot
The pressure diel regulates the pressure that the
presser foot exerts on the fabriCo Correct
pressure is important to make the fabric feecl
smoothlv and evanlv without being marred.
To increase pressura, turn dial to e higher
number. Heevy or crisp febrics require
heevilll' pressure.
To decrease pressure. tum dial to e Iower
number. Lightwaight or soft fabrics. or
those with e pile 1I1ke valvetl require lighter
For darning, turn dial to O.
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