Simple Logger
II DataView
State: recording in progress or inactive;
Session: number of recording already stored in the device;
Remaining: time remaining until the next session (if there is one);
Storage rate: time interval between two data records;
Mode: data recording management mode (Start/Stop, FIFO, XRM™) ;
Channel Configuration:
CH1 and CH2: input configuration information
Alarm configuration:
CH1 and CH2: alarm configuration information
Main Battery; indicates the battery voltage or supply voltage;
One or more inputs overloaded or not;
Alarms recorded or not;
Inst date: current date in the instrument;
Inst time: current time in the instrument;
2.5 Saving and restoring layouts
Restoring an optimum vision of all windows can be a long and painstaking process; selecting the Arrange
Windows icon in the toolbar restores the optimum sizes and positions of all windows.
The sizes and positions of one or more windows can be modified. To move a window, click and hold in the
title bar and drag to the desired location. To resize a window, click and hold a corner and move diagonally
until the desired size is reached.
Once this has been done, it may be useful to save the arrangements to reproduce identical appearances
several times in succession or on several devices.
Saving layout :
in the File menu, select the "Save layout" option; a new "Save as" window prompts you to select or
type a file name, then identify a folder and its location in the tree; click on Save to terminate the
Loading a recorded layout :
in the File menu, select the "Load layout" option; a new "Load" window prompts you to type or select
a file name from among the files already recorded.
2.6 Displaying various graphs
The following display windows can be opened or closed from the View menu.
The display at the top of the window includes the different channels recorded; clicking on a channel displays
the corresponding plot; several channels can be selected at once using the Ctrl or Shift key during the
selection process.
The real-time display of the different plots can be frozen by checking the "Hold" box. No plots are refreshed
until this box is unchecked.
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