• If you express breast milk more than
once within a period of 24 hours, the
freshly expressed milk may be added to
the previously cooled breast milk.
However freshly expressed milk must be
cooled down before being added to milk
that is already cool. The temperatures
must be the same (cold on cold).
Pump has no
suction or too little
12. Help with problems
The pump rod 6 is not seated
properly in the pump
diaphragm 7
Pump diaphragm 7 missing,
fitted incorrectly or damaged
Lip valve 9 is incorrectly
Lip valve 9 missing, fitted
incorrectly or damaged
Breast milk container 10 is full
and lip valve 9 is touching the
expressed milk
No vacuum is produced
Pump is being held at an angle Hold the pump as upright as possible.
• Consult your health visitor, midwife,
information about long-term storage.
• You can find more information about
breastfeeding on our NUK website
Make sure that the pump rod 6 is fully
inserted in the hole in the pump
diaphragm 7 (see "7. Reassembling the
pump (Figures G to N)" on page 18).
Insert pump diaphragm 7 correctly (see
"7. Reassembling the pump (Figures G to
N)" on page 18). If anything is damaged,
please contact the NUK Service Center
(see "Contact addresses" on page 91).
Position lip valve 9 correctly
(see "7. Reassembling the pump (Figures
G to N)" on page 18).
Check that the lip valve 9 is correctly
positioned. If anything is damaged, please
contact the NUK Service Center (see
"Contact addresses" on page 91).
Change the breast milk container 10.
Make sure that the breast shield 2 forms a
complete seal around the breast.
Make sure that the silicone cushion 1 is
inserted correctly and is pulled over the
edges of the breast shield.