Adjust geometry in Format 1 (4:3)
- Remember to check that the BeoVision 1 is in format 1 (4:3), before adjustment
is made. If not: Enter SETUP and select PICTURE FORMAT. Select FORMAT 4:3
with GO.
- Enter SETUP, select SERVICEMODE with STOP, STOP, GO. Press the button
combination within 3 seconds. Select MONITOR and select PICTURE
- Select BRILLIANCE and set the value to max. (62). Press GO.
- Select GEOMETRY ADJUSTMENTS. Select BOW (Horizontal BOW) and set the
value to 8. Select HAM (Horizontal Amplitude) and adjust until the phosphor
edge is visible at both sides of the picture. Select H-CT (Horizontal Centering)
and adjust to one of the three positions that gives the best centering of the
picture. Select H-AM and adjust until the correct picture width. Press GO.
- Select PICTURE ADJUSTMENTS. Select BRILLIANCE and set the value to the same
as before the adjustment. Press GO.
- Select GEOMETRY ADJUSTMENTS. Select the parameter to change by means of
and press GO. Change parameter by means of
settings by means of
Horizontal Phase (H-PH)
- Adjust H-PH to the correct centering of the picture.
Horizontal Amplitude (H-AM)
- Adjust H-AM to the correct width of the picture.
Vertical Amplitude (V-AM)
- Adjust V-AM so that the picture fits at the top and bottom.
Vertical SHift/centering (V-SH)
- Adjust V-SH until the centre of the picture is at the centre of the screen.
East/West Parabola (EW-P)
- Adjust EW-P to the correct geometry at the sides. The middle part of the vertical
lines must be as straight as possible.
East/West Upper Corner (EWUC)
- Adjust EWUC to the correct geometry at the upper corners.
East/West Lower Corner (EWLC)
- Adjust EWLC to the correct geometry at the lower corners.
East/West Trapezium (EW-T)
- Adjust EW-T to the correct geometry.
Horizontal PArallelogram (H-PA)
- Adjust H-PA to the correct geometry.
. Press GO to store the new settings.
Adjustments, English
. Change the