8. Assembly
Check that all pump components are undamaged.
Mount the O-rings first followed by the piston rings, and make sure that the ring join is not
directly opposite the notch in the edge of the pump casing. See O.
Mount the cylinders on the foot pedal by pressing the cross-pins over the hooks on the
pedal and pushing towards the centre until they snap into place on the springs. See P.
Place the cylinders on the pump chassis one at a time, pressing the first slightly down onto
the piston before fitting the next. Make sure that the piston rings are correctly engaged all
the way round. See {.
Press the manifold pipe into position in the inlet opening, and then attach the bottom cover
securely to the pump body. Finally, mount the suction tube and suction tip. See }.
9. Test for correct function
1) Check that all four valve diaphragms and the manifold pipe in the container are mounted.
2) Block the suction tip with one finger. Depress one side of the pedal and check for vacuum
by removing the finger.
3) Now block the suction tip once more and repeat process depressing the other side of the
pedal. Check that a vacuum is built up.
4) Block the suction tip with one finger and pump several times. Wait approx. 10 seconds.
When the finger is removed from the suction tip, the airflow being drawn into the pump
should be audible.
10. Maintenance
All parts of the Ambu TwinPump are manufactured from high-strength, long-life materials.
They therefore require no special maintenance or storage conditions.