When the humidifier is powered and turned on, the On/Off light is illuminated green .
During fill cycles, the Fill light illuminates green .
When the humidifier is turned on, any time the ADMC sends a call for humidity, the Steam light illuminates green .
Any time the drain valve is activated, the Drain light illuminates green .
During initial start up with a new canister, the humidifier may run through a series of fill/drain cycles until the conductivity of the water is in a
range that allows the humidifier to generate steam at the rated capacity . If the conductivity of the water is low, it may take a week or more for the
humidifier to generate steam at the rated capacity . The rated capacity is achieved when the humidifier is detecting a nominal current of either 11 . 5 or
16 . 0 amps between the electrodes . If the humidifier has not reached capacity after 168 hours of operation, the Steam light will illuminate yellow on a
call for humidity . The humidifier will continue to operate with a yellow Steam light, and may satisfy the humidity requirements . Once rated capacity is
reached, the Steam light will illuminate green .
The internal controller adjusts water level in the canister to maintain the nominal current between the electrodes . As minerals build up on the
electrodes, their effectiveness decreases, so the controller will increase the water level to submerge more of the electrode surface . When the water
has reached the high level probe in the canister and the internal controller no longer detects nominal current, the Service light will flash red indicating
that the canister needs to be replaced .
If the humidifier attempts to fill the canister and cannot, the drain and fill valves will pulse on and off for four seconds to dislodge minerals which may
be blocking the drain valve ports . The Drain and Fill lights will flash on and off when this occurs .
Any time power is disconnected, the internal timer for start-up and drain cycles is reset .
If the humidifier has operated 168 hours without a drain cycle, the drain valve will open and drain the canister . Normal operation will continue .
If the humidifier is operating and a power failure occurs, once power is restored, the On/Off light will flash green for one minute, then the humidifier
will turn on .
If 72 hours elapses without receiving a call for humidity, the canister will automatically drain . The Drain light will remain lit for 24 hours . This may also
occur during periods of inactivity during the humidification season . The humidifier will resume normal operation when a call for humidity is made .
16 English