Tip: We recommend setting the alarm value for the pH to +/- 0,50 to check the
function of the CO
unit to see if the cylinder is empty or the supply amount has departed from
the setting.
Temperature alarm:
The alarm function for temperature enables you to set the upper and lower alarm
limits separately. The relevant alarm limits can be freely selected for your aquarium. If
the values rise above or fall below the limit set, the same will happen as described for
the pH alarm.
In addition, the fi gure in the temperature display will be overlaid with a blinking alarm
symbol even if "Alarm off" is displayed.
Factory setting: 20 °C < t < 30 °C
The values set appear in turn in the status line on the main display page (Item 5). The
symbol for the type of alarm selected is also displayed.
supply. If the device then triggers the alarm, check your
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pH alarm:
If the actual pH value in the aqua-
rium is higher or lower than the set
optimum value by more than the set
amount, the display fl ashes or an
acoustic signal sounds, depending on
whether "Flash" or "Flash and sound"
have been selected. In place of the pH
symbol in front of the current ph value,
a fl ashing warning symbol appears on
the display. This symbol appears even
if "Alarm off" has been selected.
The alarm limit can be set as follows:
+/- 0.10 - +/- 2.00 pH in steps of 0.05
pH. Factory setting: +/- 1.00 pH