Información sobre normativas para productos inalámbricos
Esta sección contiene la siguiente información normativa correspondiente a productos inalámbricos:
Exposición a emisiones de radiofrecuencia
CAUTION: The radiated output power of this device is far below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits.
Nevertheless, the device shall be used in such a manner that the potential for human contact during normal
operation is minimized. This product and any attached external antenna, if supported, shall be placed in
such a manner to minimize the potential for human contact during normal operation. In order to avoid the
possibility of exceeding the FCC radio frequency exposure limits, human proximity to the antenna shall not be
less than 20 cm (8 inches) during normal operation.
Aviso para los usuarios de Canadá (5 GHz)
CAUTION: When using IEEE 802.11a wireless LAN, this product is restricted to indoor use, due to its
operation in the 5.15- to 5.25-GHz frequency range. The Innovation, Science and Economic Development
Canada requires this product to be used indoors for the frequency range of 5.15 GHz to 5.25 GHz to reduce
the potential for harmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems. High-power radar is allocated
as the primary user of the 5.25- to 5.35-GHz and 5.65- to 5.85-GHz bands. These radar stations can cause
interference with and/or damage to this device.
ATTENTION: Lors de l'utilisation du réseau local sans fil IEEE 802.11a, ce produit se limite à une utilisation
en intérieur à cause de son fonctionnement sur la plage de fréquences de 5,15 à 5,25 GHz. Innovation, Science
et Développement Economique Canada stipule que ce produit doit être utilisé en intérieur dans la plage de
fréquences de 5,15 à 5,25 GHz afin de réduire le risque d'interférences éventuellement dangereuses avec les
systèmes mobiles par satellite via un canal adjacent. Le radar à haute puissance est alloué pour une utilisation
principale dans une plage de fréquences de 5,25 à 5,35 GHz et de 5,65 à 5,85 GHz. Ces stations radar peuvent
provoquer des interférences avec cet appareil et l'endommager.
Aviso para los usuarios de Taiwán (5 GHz)
Aviso para los usuarios en Serbia (5 GHz)
Upotreba ovog uredjaja je ogranicna na zatvorene prostore u slucajevima koriscenja na frekvencijama od
5150-5350 MHz.
Aviso para los usuarios de Tailandia (5 GHz)
เครื ่ อ งวิ ท ยุ ค มนาคมนี ้ ม ี ร ะดั บ การแผ่ ค ลื ่ น แม่ เ หล็ ก ไฟฟ้ าสอดคล้ อ งตามมาตรฐานความปลอดภั ย ต่ อ สุ ข ภาพของมนุ ษ ย์ จ ากการ
ใช้ เ ครื ่ อ งวิ ท ยุ ค มนาคมที ่ ค ณะกรรมการกิ จ การโทรคมนาคมแห่ ง ชาติ ป ระกาศกํ า หน
This radio communication equipment has the electromagnetic field strength in compliance with the Safety
Standard for the Use of Radio Communication Equipment on Human Health announced by the National
Telecommunications Commission.
Aviso para los usuarios de Brasil
Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto é, não tem direito à proteção contra interferência
prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo, e não pode causar interferência em sistemas operando em
caráter primário. Este equipamento não tem direito à proteção contra interferência prejudicial e não pode
causar interferência em sistemas devidamente autorizados.
Apéndice A Información técnica