D D i i s s i i n n f f e e c c t t i i n n g g t t h h e e p p r r o o d d u u c c t t
• Do not clean, service, or perform maintenance while the product is in use.
• Do not steam clean, hose off, or ultrasonically clean the product. Use of these methods of cleaning is not recommended
and may void the product's warranty.
Recommended disinfectants
Quaternaries (2100 ppm active ingredient - ammonium chloride) with no glycol ether
Chlorinated bleach solution - 1000 ppm active
70% isopropyl alcohol (700,000 ppm)
Recommended disinfection method
1. Follow the disinfectant solution manufacturer's dilution recommendations.
2. Hand wash all surfaces of the product with a disinfectant solution.
3. Avoid over-saturation and make sure that the product does not stay wet longer than the chemical manufacturer's
guidelines for proper disinfecting.
4. Dry thoroughly. Do not replace the mattress on the product until the product is dry.
5. Disinfect the hook and loop fasteners after every use. Saturate the hook and loop fasteners with disinfectant, rinse with
water, and allow the disinfectant to evaporate (appropriate disinfectant is determined by the facility).
6. Check functionality before you return the product to service.
Raise and lower the product
Lock and unlock the brake/steer pedal in both positions
Latch and unlatch the siderails
Raise and lower the Fowler backrest
Make sure all components have proper lubrication
Make sure that the jack does not stick due to dust or debris
Make sure all labels are intact
N N o o t t e e - - Some cleaning agents are corrosive in nature and may cause damage to the product. If you do not rinse and dry
the product well, a corrosive residue may be left on the surface of the product that could cause premature corrosion of
critical components. Failure to follow these cleaning instructions may void your warranty.
KK-6300 Rev 00