Implementación MIDI
If the mark point is less than 3, the VS-890 does not return the block
of "aaaaaaaa."
Example 4) Read all mark points ( DeviceID = 10 )
(HOST) => F0 41 10 00 14 12 03 01 00 7F 7F 7F 7F 7A F7 => (VS-890)
7F7F7F7F(>= 1000) means All marker
(HOST) => F0 41 10 00 14 12 03 01 04 00 76 F7
(HOST) <= F0 41 10 00 14 12 03 01 00 nn nn nn nn ss F7 <= (VS-890)
nnnnnnnn = total marker number, ss = check sum
(HOST) <= F0 41 10 00 14 12 03 01 00 aa aa aa aa ss F7 <= (VS-890)
aaaaaaaa = time of Marker #1
(HOST) <= F0 41 10 00 14 12 03 01 00 bb bb bb bb ss F7 <= (VS-890)
bbbbbbbb = time of Marker #2
(HOST) <= F0 41 10 00 14 12 03 01 00 xx xx xx xx ss F7 <= (VS-890)
xxxxxxxx = time of the last Marker#
If the mark point does not exist, the VS-890 does not return blocks
under "aaaaaaaa."
Example 5) Delete the mark point ( DeviceID = 10 )
(HOST) => F0 41 10 00 14 12 03 01 00 aa aa aa aa ss F7 => (VS-890)
aaaaaaaa = time of Marker
(HOST) => F0 41 10 00 14 12 03 01 04 02 74 F7
(HOST) <= F0 41 10 00 14 12 03 01 00 nn nn nn nn ss F7 <= (VS-890)
nnnn = total marker number, ss = check sum
The VS-890 deletes the mark point which includes specified time, and
returns the total numbers of the mark points.
Write Locate data into a bank memory (Set Locate Bank), and read from a bank
memory (Get Locate Bank), according to the Locate Bank number (0-3) set in Marker
GParámetros FX
Basic Address
| Start
address |
| 04 00 00 | 0aaaaaaa| FX1 Algorithm
| 04 00 01#| 0bbbbbbb| ( 0:Reverb
2:Stereo Delay Chorus
3:Stereo Pitch Shifter Delay
5:2ch RSS
6:Delay RSS
7:Chorus RSS
8:Guitar Multi 1
9:Guitar Multi 2
10:Guitar Multi 3
11:Vocal Multi
13:Guitar Amp Simulator
14:Stereo Phaser
15:Stereo Flanger
16:Dual Comp/Limiter
| (17:Gate Reverb
18:Multi Tap Delay
19:Stereo Multi
20:Reverb 2
21:Space Chorus
22:Lo-Fi Processor
23:4Band Parametric Equalizer
24:10Band Graphic Equalizer
25:Hum Canceler
26:Vocal Canceler
| (27:Voice Transformer
| (28:Vocoder 2
29:Mic Simulator
30:3Band Isolator
31:Tape Echo 201
32:Analog Flanger
33:Analog Phaser
| 04 00 02 | 20 - 7E | FX1 Name -1
| 04 00 0D | 20 - 7E | FX1 Name -12
| 04 00 0E | 00 - 7F | FX1 Parameter Area (See Below)
| 04 00 7F | 00 - 7F |
| 04 01 00 | 0aaaaaaa| FX2 Algorithm
| 04 01 01#| 0bbbbbbb| ( 0:Reverb
2:Stereo Delay Chorus
3:Stereo Pitch Shifter Delay
=> (VS-890)
=> (VS-890)
Contents and remarks
aaaaaaabbbbbbb =
aaaaaaabbbbbbb =
| 04 01 02 | 20 - 7E | FX2 Name -1
| 04 01 0D | 20 - 7E | FX2 Name -12
| 04 01 0E | 20 - 7E | FX2 Parameter Area (See Below)
| 04 01 7F | 20 - 7E |
cannot select "0:Reverb," "17:Gate Reverb," "27:Voice Transformer" or "28:Vocoder2"
on FX2.
If 27:Voice Transformer or 28:Vocoder2 is selected at FX1, FX2 is invalid.
Two same parameters exist with two system Effects.
A meaning of the parameter area changes correspond with the top of parameter of FX
Algorithm. See the following tables. The address shows at FX1.
If select the different Algorithm type from current one, all parameters will be copied
from the preset patch data which selected Algorithm.
Algorithm 0 Reverb (FX1 Only)
| 04 00 0E | 0aaaaaaa| EQ SW
| 04 00 0F#| 0bbbbbbb|
| 04 00 10 | 0aaaaaaa| EQ: Low EQ Type
| 04 00 11#| 0bbbbbbb|
| 04 00 12 | 0aaaaaaa| EQ: Low EQ Gain
| 04 00 13#| 0bbbbbbb|
| 04 00 14 | 0aaaaaaa| EQ: Low EQ Frequency
| 04 00 15#| 0bbbbbbb|
| 04 00 16 | 0aaaaaaa| EQ: Low EQ Q
| 04 00 17#| 0bbbbbbb|
| 04 00 18 | 0aaaaaaa| EQ: Mid EQ Gain
| 04 00 19#| 0bbbbbbb|
| 04 00 1A | 0aaaaaaa| EQ: Mid EQ Frequency
| 04 00 1B#| 0bbbbbbb|
| 04 00 1C | 0aaaaaaa| EQ: Mid EQ Q
| 04 00 1D#| 0bbbbbbb|
| 04 00 1E | 0aaaaaaa| EQ: High EQ Type
| 04 00 1F#| 0bbbbbbb|
| 04 00 20 | 0aaaaaaa| EQ: High EQ Gain
| 04 00 21#| 0bbbbbbb|
| 04 00 22 | 0aaaaaaa| EQ: High EQ Frequency
| 04 00 23#| 0bbbbbbb|
| 04 00 24 | 0aaaaaaa| EQ: High EQ Q
| 04 00 25#| 0bbbbbbb|
| 04 00 26 | 0aaaaaaa| EQ: Out Level
| 04 00 27#| 0bbbbbbb|
| 04 00 28 | 0aaaaaaa| Reverb: Room Size
| 04 00 29#| 0bbbbbbb|
| 04 00 2A | 0aaaaaaa| Reverb: Reverb Time
| 04 00 2B#| 0bbbbbbb|
| 04 00 2C | 0aaaaaaa| Reverb: Pre Delay
| 04 00 2D#| 0bbbbbbb|
| 04 00 2E | 0aaaaaaa| Reverb: Diffusion
| 04 00 2F#| 0bbbbbbb|
5:2ch RSS
6:Delay RSS
7:Chorus RSS
8:Guitar Multi 1
9:Guitar Multi 2
10:Guitar Multi 3
11:Vocal Multi
13:Guitar Amp Simulator
14:Stereo Phaser
15:Stereo Flanger
16:Dual Comp/Limiter
| (17:Gate Reverb
18:Multi Tap Delay
19:Stereo Multi
20:Reverb 2
21:Space Chorus
22:Lo-Fi Processor
23:4Band Parametric Equalizer
24:10Band Graphic Equalizer
25:Hum Canceler
26:Vocal Canceler
| (27:Voice Transformer
| (28:Vocoder 2
29:Mic Simulator
30:3Band Isolator
31:Tape Echo 201
32:Analog Flanger
33:Analog Phaser
0,1 = Shelving, Peaking|
2,,,200 = 20,,,2000Hz|
20,,,800 = 200,,,8000Hz|
0,1 = Shelving, Peaking|
14,,,200 = 1.4,,,20.0kHz|
1,,,320 = 0.1,,,32.0s|
0,1 = Off,On|
3,,,100 = 0.3,,,10.0|
3,,,100 = 0.3,,,10.0|
3,,,100 = 0.3,,,10.0|
0,,,200 = 0,,,200ms|