Create a Score to Highlight Your Work
To score, the laser lowers its power and moves quickly along a path. It's like a cut that doesn't go all
the way through. It's a nice quick way to create a bold visual effect and scoring is much faster than
Duplicate Your Circle
Click the black arrow for the Selection tool in the upper left, then click your large circle, and,
once again, go to Edit > Duplicate. It won't look like anything happened unless you pay very
close attention -- the blue line will appear a tiny bit thicker.
Pick a New Color
Hold the shift key and select a pink from the palette. Making it a different
color means you can apply a different setting to it in the Glowforge App.
Shrink your Circle a Little
Hold the shift key, click a corner of the circle's selection box, and drag it
towards the center of the circle just a bit. Holding shift keeps the pink
circle centered as you resize it.
Keep Scoring!
Want a little emphasis? Add a line... or a few.
Click on the Pen Tool
Create a Straight Line
Hold down the Control key (even if you're on a Mac) and
click and drag to create a straight line. When you're
finished, double-click on the end point of the line.
Pick a Color
Hold the Shift key and click a red color in the palette. Check the bottom
left corner to see what you've selected: Fill (None) and Stroke (Red).
Copyright Glowforge, Inc. 2019