The average data using T3 button is shown only if the last
3 measurements have been done within 15 minutes. Other-
wise, the data will be shown as 0.
7.6 To delete all values stored in the memory
In Clock mode (Off mode)
press MEM button, after
the latest data stored will
be displayed press again
and hold the MEM button
Error code
Possible cause(s)
Deflation is tnot safe
The cuff is very tight
The cuff pressure is excessive Relax for a moment and try again
The monitor has detected
movement during reading
The reading process cannot
detect the heart beat
Inaccurate reading
for 3 sec. All results will be deleted. Press the MEM or O/I
button to turn off the display.
8. What if there are problems?
Follow the below recommended actions and press O/I but-
ton again to start another measurement.
Recommended actions
Re-apply the cuff and try again
Movement could compromise the reading.
Relax for a moment and try again.
Movement can compromise the measurement.
Relax for a moment and try again .
Loosen the clothes on the arm and try again
Relax for a moment and try again