The Broil King
Smoke™ Charcoal Grill allows you to control
cooking temperature by regulating airflow through the intake Roto-
Draft™ dampers and exhaust Roto-Draft™ damper. The more you
open the dampers, the more air will flow through to the charcoal.
The more air that gets to the charcoal the hotter the temperature
will get. Small adjustments to the dampers will make significant
changes to the cooking temperature.
As you become more familiar with the Broil King® Smoke™
Charcoal Grill, you will get a feel for how much charcoal you need
for various cook times and temperatures.
Adjust Roto-Draft™ dampers using the included multi-tool.
Given the amount of airflow for cook times exceeding 3 hours,
adding a water pan to the main chamber may be warranted – this
will keep food from drying out. Using disposable foil drip trays
(Item # 50420) is a convenient way to do so.
After each cook, it will be necessary to empty the ash tray. Once
cool, open the firebox access door and carefully remove the ash
tray. Empty into a bucket or other container for disposal.
The Broil King
great service with minimal care. The seasoning process will help
preserve the internal steel components. Use a stainless steel
brush to clean cooking grids and components that are soiled.
It may be necessary to clean and re-season your cooking grids.
Brush them thoroughly with a Broil King® stainless steel grill brush
(#64014) to remove any debris and apply a thin layer of olive or
grapeseed oil. Then, place the cooking grids into your smoker,
and cook at 400°F (205°C) for 1 hour. Repeat as desired. This
coating of oil will protect your cooking grids and provide years of
trouble free use.
Clean the exterior using warm, soapy water.
To clean the interior, use a wire-bristle grill brush to remove any
debris from the cook box. The layer of oils that accumulates
inside the smoker – the seasoning – is protective and does not
need to be scrubbed clean with any frequency.
Always keep your Broil King
when not in use - use Broil King
Charcoal Grill will give you many years of
Smoke™ Charcoal Grill covered
Cover (#67060)