‐ The water line dedicated to the supply of dental units and , if any, to the autoclave
and/or additional cock of the basin in the sterilization room shall have to be made in
food‐grade plastic material, as well as the relevant fittings. Iron, copper, or brass
fittings are not allowed. For fittings only , in case plastic fittings are not available, use
AISI 316 stainless steel or chromium plated brass (less advisable).
‐ When using low density piping it is possible to use hoses having an internal diameter
of 6 mm to 10/12 mm, according to the length of the water line, in order to take into
account any flow resistance, while also considering a supply pressure of at least 2 bars.
When using Aquatherm® pipings those having external diameter of 20 mm are good.
‐ It is absolutely advisable to loop the water line supplying water to the dental units in
order to achieve a more even distribution and pressure of water to the units and to
prevent water stagnation points within the water loop. In case the water loop cannot
be formed a single delivery system can be formed. This solution could however cause
flow resistance and water stagnation.
For each joint to a supplied device the water line has to be fitted with a closing device
to exclude the tool from the water line.