3.2.5 TRIP B
This option can be displayed scrolling by "MODE" dashboard button.
4 digits (3digits + decimal point + 1 digit), "TRIP" icon lighted and "B" on the left.
Leading zeros suppressed.
Display range from 0.0 to 999.9 km or miles.
Trip B counter counts from 0 up to 999.9 and then rolls over to 0 and continue
Minimum display unit: 0.1 km or miles.
Trip B reset by pressing "SET" button more than 2 seconds.
Trip B display the Trip B ride time pressing "SET" button less than 2 seconds. Ride time
is showed as an hour decimal number. Examples: 30 min is 0.5 or 1h20min is 1.3 .
3.2.6 CLOCK
Dashboard provides a clock and is displayed on LCD display. Time is obtained from
internal crystal quartz and is kept while dashboard is connected to coin battery.
Clock format
If units of measure are km 24h
If units of measure are mi12h