Self Cleaning Screen Filters
1) Depending of the model, you will receive the system with
some elements disassembled, for protection during the transport.
Place the elements following the designs.
2) There are several filter models and controllers, so you must
check the model is the same one solicited.
Each model features specific flows, pressures and voltages (see
the programmer chapter).
3) Locate the filters over a flat surface on a ventilated place.
Must have a drain to the outside, and keep the minimal distan-
ces to walls and ceiling to ensure an easy access to the cartridges
to be able to disassemble them manually.
4) Thread the inlet and outlet connections.
Make sure that vibration or extreme dilations for temperarure
does not exist. Eko and Calado filters must be placed in vertical position on its legs (optionals) and Automesh filter
in horizontal position, set up on its flanges to connections with enough rigidity to support the weight.
5) Read the paragraph "installation and starting up" at the beggining of this guide.
6) When the system is composed of more than a single filter, usually a single controller is used (see the program-
mer chapter).
Diagnostic rotuting
7) Water leaks by the drainage of the Globo Valves.
Wait to have a pressure in the system of 1Kg/cm² as minimum, if it is necessary you must increase the pressure or
the flow in order to reach the minimum pressure. When the flow or the pressure is low, sometimes you need to put
stabilizing valves at the exit of the system in order to increase the pressure.
8) High pressure loss when starting the conduit filling.
Excess of flow due to low pressure on the conduits, install a manual valve which must be closed, or use a system with
an intelligent controller and stabilizing valve. After some time and when the system conduits are filled, the pressure
loss and flow must be as indicated in the charts. The control boards have a delay timer to prevent that (see the pro-
grammer chapter).
9) Repeated backflushing. They can appear by different reasons:
• To have a high headloss (See the previous point)
• Too little time delay before start of cleansing cycle (see electrical controller chapter, depending on the controller
• In case of excessive water contamination, we recommend lowering the flow till the conduits get clean; increase
caudal the, little by little, to normal values, after a few minutes.
• Check that the differential pressure is the correct one.
• It is possible that the system do not have a correct backflushing, for lack of minimum pressure, for lack of mini-
mum flow, or for lack of minimum backflushing time (for each model, see minimum standards required of time,
pressure, flow and contaminant).
10) Electrical programmer. The most usual incidences are:
• Alarm signal on the screen due to interruption of power supply. To solve it press RESET, the controller will work,
even with the alarm signal on.
• The controller doesn't power up. Turn the power switch on, and check power supply voltage. With the 12 Volts
battery powered models, check battery voltage.