2.6.6 Print Menu (Cont.)
Press the G/N/T/ Menu button, StOP 2 is displayed. This is the stop bit setting.
Press the PRINT/ Units button for selections StOP 1 or StOP 2. Default setting is
StOP 2.
Press the G/N/T/ Menu button, AP OFF is displayed.
This is the Auto print setting which enables data to a printer or PC to be printed
automatically. Selection are:
OFF (this is the default setting)
Cont Prints data continuously
Prints data on user selected intervals
Stbl Print first stable non-zero value after each change in weighing
Press the PRINT/ Units button until desired auto print setting is reached.
When interval has been selected in the previous step, an interval from 1 to
3600 seconds can be set. If Interval was not selected, this submenu does not
Press the G/N/T/ Menu button, int is displayed. After a few seconds, a second
display appears which allows the interval time in seconds to be set.
Pressing the PRINT/ Units button advances the zero from left to right. Pressing
the TARE button increments the active digit from 0 to 9.
Sample at right indicates 10 seconds.
NOTE: 0000 not valid.
CD-11 Indicator