The following message appears on the display:
Use the <
> <
> keys to select the % relative hu-
midity at which the fermentation phase must be maintained.
If the value 00 is selected, this indicates that you do not require
humidity to be programmed in the fermentation.
Once the required %RH value has been selected, press < EN-
TER > to confirm the value.
Once the above key has been pressed, the electronic control
starts to execute the process with the values that were pro-
The following message appears on the display:
THURS. 08:00
Indicating at all times the planned day and time for baking, the
real temperature of the chamber and its %RH.
This display alternates every 2 seconds with another one that
shows a graphic representation of the curve of the process in
progress and indicates the real temperature and humidity.
To abandon this working mode, the following method must be
carried out.
Press <CHILL> + <FER> (5)
When this key is pressed, the following message appears on
the display:
The <
> <
> keys are used to select whether you
want to cancel execution of the working mode (YES) or you
want to continue in it (NO).
If (NO) is selected, the programming sequence is resumed to
allow the user to change the programmed parameters if re-
Once the required setting has been selected, press < ENTER >
to confirm the order.