If the auto detect feature was tried and at the end the LED did
not go solid, but instead continually flashes; this means that the ASWC-1
did not detect the vehicle. Follow these steps to determine what may
have happened:
1) Verify that you have a 12-volt DC on the Red accessory wire of the
ASWC-1, using a multimeter.
2) Reconfirm that you have a good ground to the solid Black wire of
the ASWC-1.
Attention: Due to the nature of how microprocessors function,
sometimes having the ASWC-1's ground shared and using the
factory ground in the OE wiring harness is not sufficient; and will
cause problems. The use of a chassis ground solely by itself is highly
recommended, especially in data communication vehicles. Attach
the solid Black wire of the ASWC-1 to a good chassis ground, all
by itself. Ensure this wire is straight from the ASWC-1 without any
extensions, and make sure a ring terminal (not supplied) is used, and
crimped properly. This will alleviate any grounding issues that may
keep the ASWC-1 from programming; most cases of the ASWC-1 not
programming comes from the lack of this step being done.
3) Recheck that the wires connected to the ASWC-1 and vehicle are
correct; referencing the "ASWC-1 Vehicle Instructions" document,
found on the axxessinterfaces.com website.
4) Verify that the wires connected from the ASWC-1 to the vehicle
are connected direct; i.e., solder, crimp cap, military splice. No
tapping style connectors, or butt connectors are permitted due to
increased resistance.
ASWC-1 Troubleshooting
Auto Detect Mode