The ASWC-1 can be programmed two different ways. It can auto
program itself through Auto Detect Mode, or it can be manually
programmed (pp. 19-21). The following, which is recommended, is for
auto programming.
Auto Detect Mode: Overview
The ASWC-1 has the ability to auto detect select vehicles and what
aftermarket radio it is connected to. The "ASWC-1 Vehicle Instructions",
found at, will indicate if your vehicle will auto
detect and what action, if any, is required for this process to take place.
For the auto detect feature to work there are (3) possible actions that must
be taken. Note, only one action will be required depending on the vehicle:
1. Turn the ignition on and no other action is required.
2. Turn the ignition on, press and hold the Volume Up button on the
steering wheel.
3. Turn the ignition on, and then tap the Volume Up button repeatedly
on the steering wheel.
Auto Detect Mode: Steps
Note: Please read all Auto Detect Mode steps before beginning.
1) Complete connections to the vehicle and the aftermarket radio.
2) Turn the ignition on, the LED will start rapidly flashing Red; which
means the ASWC-1 is looking for the vehicle and the radio.
Note: If the LED did not start flashing Red rapidly press the reset
button for 3 seconds and then proceed to Step 3.
3) Perform action required for your particular vehicle, as noted in the
"ASWC-1 Vehicle Instructions", download from
ASWC-1 Installation
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