Lower range symbols and switches
Activate switch (6) under the respective symbols (19) displayed, or confirm the relat-
ed function. The symbol will be given a dark background.
Symbol Control or Display
"Slack chain safety de-
vice" display
"Slack chain safety de-
vice override" switch
"Fwd./Rev. travel only"
Switch for
Acknowledge lift cutout
due to battery discharge"
Display for
"Lift limit"
"Lift limit override"switch
"Lower limit" display
"Lowering limit override"
"Travel cutout" display
"Travel cutout override"
"Aisle endsafety device"
display (option)
Select "Warning sub-
menu" display
Quit "warnings" sub-
Quit "warnings" sub-
"Cancel warnings sub-
menu" switch
E 4
t Displayed when the slack chain safety de-
vice engages
Overrides the slack chain safety device to
lift the driver's position freely
t Displayed when lift cutout is actvated due to
low battery capacity and only forward or re-
verse travel is possible.
Confirms lift cutout due to low battery ca-
pacity and releases travel (the Fwd./Rev.
Travel Only display has a dark background)
Displayed when the lift limit is activated
Overrides the lift limit (display has a dark
background). Observe the maximum pas-
sage heights
o Indicates that the automatic lowering limit
has been activated.
Overrides the lowering limit, controlled by
hydraulic control button
o Indicates that automatic, height dependent
travel cutout has been activated
Overrides the automatic, height dependent
travel cutout
o Indicates that the aisle end safety device
has been activated. The truck brakes.
o Indicates that several warnings (e.g. slack
chain safety device height dependent lift
cutout) have been issued.
Displays individual warnings
o Indicates that the sub-menu can be quit.
Sets the "warnings" sub-menu to the stand-
ard menu