Next, we describe a practical method to determine the number of kilos per
hectare to be distributed once we know how many plants per square metre
we want to obtain.
Insert the "seed counter" (fig. 50) into the seed sack to fill it.
When taking the "seed counter" out, wipe the seed counter with your hand
to make sure that there is only one grain per slot (100 grains in total).
Do the same 10 more times to obtain 1000 grains.
Weigh these 1000 grains with the precision scales.
We call the result the OPERATIVE WEIGHT (gr.).
Once we know how many seeds per square metre we are going to sow, we
should adjust the following kilograms per hectare in the dosing control:
kilograms per hectare = (grains per m2 x OPERATIVE WEIGHT) / 100
Fig. 50
Fig. 50