• Press # to stop the paper feed.
To detach bills or reports, proceed as follows:
• Press the PAPER key to feed the paper line by line so that the printout is at least
10 cm. long.
• Cut the paper as shown in the picture. Never pull out vertically or else the paper
will tear.
• In the case of a paper jam, do not try to pull it forward. Carefully pull the paper
backwards and insert it again, after cutting the roll at a right angle with scissors.
3.2 External printer
An external parallel printer may be hooked up to the connector labelled PRINTER at
the rear of the device.
Most dot matrix, ink-jet or laser printers may be connected to the unit. The character
set to be selected on the printer is PC8. In case of printing problems, please refer to
the printer manual, and make sure that the PC8 character set is indeed available.
• Some of the unit´s functions require the input of alphabetical characters (report
names, department names, bill and ticket headings in hotel mode, currency
name...). Numeric keys enable selection of the letters printed on the keyboard.
Special characters are obtained as shown in the following table.
• Use the ↑ and ↓ keys for moving the cursor within the text.
Special characters:
Space ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? ¿ @ á é í ó ú ä ö ü ñ Ñ
d e f €