6 For Windows® NT 4.0 users:
If a P-touch (PTCOM) port is not installed, add one by
clicking the Add button to display the Port Name
dialog box.
(If a P-touch (PTCOM) port is already installed, click
the Next button and continue with step 8.)
7 For Windows® NT 4.0 users:
From the list of PTCOM ports in the Port Name dialog
box, select the port where the PT-9200DX is con-
nected ("PTCOM1:" if the P-touch is connected to the
COM1 port, or "PTCOM2:" if the P-touch is connected
to the COM2 port), and then click the OK button.
8 A dialog box appears, allowing you to select the
PTCOM port where the PT-9200DX is connected.
Select "PTCOM1:" if the P-touch is connected to the
COM1 port, or "PTCOM2:" if the P-touch is connected
to the COM2 port, and then click the Next button. (On
Windows® NT 4.0, select the port added in step 7.)
9 In the dialog box that appears, allowing you to confirm
how the installation will be carried out, check that the
installation will be carried out as desired, and then
click the Next button.
0 A dialog box showing that the printer driver has been
installed appears.
If the port where the PT-9200DX is connected does not
support a baud rate of 115,200 bps, or if you wish to
check the connection between the P-touch and the
computer, select "Start up the Change Baud Rate
Wizard", and then click the Next button. After
changing the baud rate as explained on page 11 and
12, continue with the following step.
A Remove the CD-ROM from the computer, select "Yes,
I want to restart my computer now.", and then click
the Finish button to restart the computer.