Read all of this manual to become thoroughly familiar with this vehicle. Pay particular attention to all Notices, Cautions, Warnings, and Dangers.
As a final check, check the oil level again with the vehicle on level ground. Like all liquids, oil increases in volume
when warm. The full 'H' mark on the dipstick is calibrated for an engine at operating temperature. When the engine is
cold, the oil will be below the full mark. The engine can be operated safely as long as the oil is within the safe oper-
ating range as indicated on the dipstick. Do not operate vehicle if oil level is below the safe area indicated on
the dipstick.
Tool List
Belt tension gauge ..................................................................................................................................................1
Wrench, 3/4" ...........................................................................................................................................................1
Wrench, 9/16" .........................................................................................................................................................2
Ratchet, 3/8" drive...................................................................................................................................................1
Socket, 3/4", 3/8" drive............................................................................................................................................1
The starter/generator belt tension should be checked after the first 15 - 20 hours and set to 75 - 80 lbs. (34 - 36 kg)
Tighten a new starter/generator belt to 90 - 110 lbs. (41-50 kg) tension when a gauge is applied half way between
the two pulleys.
A new belt may be checked manually. A maximum deflection of 3/8" (10 mm) is acceptable. Tighten an existing belt
to 75 - 80 lbs. (34 - 36 kg) tension using the same technique and inspect for cracking or wear. A maximum deflection
of 1/2" (13 mm) is acceptable.
Adjusting The Belt
Loosen the starter/generator pivot bolt. While holding the lower adjusting nut with a wrench, loosen the upper jam
nut with another wrench. Move the lower nut up or down the adjustment bolt until proper belt tension is achieved.
Hold the lower nut in place and tighten the upper jam nut against it.
A loose belt can cause audible vibration and squeal.
3/8" (1 cm) Maximum
Deflection (New Belt)
1/2" (1.3 cm) Maximum
Deflection (Existing Belt)
5 - 15