Iso7240-16: 2007 Compliancy Checklist - Bosch Praesideo 3.5 Manual De Uso E Instalación

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Praesideo 3.5 | Installation and User Instructions | ISO7240-16: 2007

ISO7240-16: 2007 compliancy checklist

Clause / Requirement
EN54-16 and ISO7240-16 are very similar standards. The fol-
lowing list gives a summary of the differences between the
EN54-16 and the ISO7240-16 standards for voice alarm con-
trol and indicating equipment. Only essential differences are
listed. Differences in phrasing between the standards (that
occur very frequently) are omitted. Also similar clauses that
have a different number in ISO7240-16 compared to EN54-16
are not listed. The changes are divided into sections
Additions: clauses in ISO7240-16 that do not exist in
EN54-16; the ISO7240-16 text is generally given.
Changes: clauses in EN54-16 and ISO7240-16 that are
basically the same but differ in detail, the change is given
by using italic typeface.
Exclusions: requirements that are in EN54-16 but are not
in ISO7240-16.
Additional clauses
Clause / Requirement
6 Quiescent condition
Any kind of system information may be displayed during the qui-
escent condition. However, no indications shall be given that
can be confused with indications used in
the test condition.
7 Voice-alarm condition
7. 1 Reception and processing of alarm signal
7. 1 .4 Where the s.s.c.i.e. is used for non-emergency purposes,
the voice-alarm condition shall disable or override any functions
not connected with the emergency functions.
7.2 Alert signal - Optional function
7.2. 1 The s.s.c.i.e. may produce one or more alert signals com-
plying with ISO 7731.
7.2.2 Where a voice signal is used as part of the alert signal, the
alert signal shall precede the first pre-recorded voice message
for 3 s to 10 s. Successive alert signals and messages shall
then continue until either automatically or manually changed or
silenced. The interval between successive messages shall not
exceed 30 s and alert signals shall be broadcast whenever
periods of silence might otherwise exceed 10 s.
7.2.3 Where more than one alert signal is provided, each signal
shall be clearly distinguishable.
7.3 Evacuate signal
7.3. 1 The evacuate signal may be preceded by an alert signal
(see 7.2).
The use of an alert signal, together with an evacuate signal,
should be assessed as part of an emergency management plan
(see ISO 7240-19). For buildings and structures where the
plan requires the unassisted evacuation of occupants, the
s.s.e.p. may be configured to generate a warning signal that
does not incorporate an alert signal.
Bosch Security Systems | 2011-02
Responsibility of the installer. The installer must use the check-
list for EN54-16 before proceeding with this list for ISO7240-
The optional test condition is not supported by the Praesideo
Upon entering the emergency mode Praesideo can be config-
ured to override non-emergency functions, based on priority
Praesideo offers various alert signals that comply with
ISO7731. Also prerecorded signals can be stored and selected
in Praesideo.
The installer must select and configure an alert signal that is in
compliance with ISO7731 from the list of available signals that
Praesideo offers. The preferred signal and required sound pres-
sure level depend on the the actual application, as the parame-
ters of the danger signal (signal level, frequency spectrum,
temporal pattern, etc.) shall be designed to stand out from all
other sounds in the reception area and shall be distinctly differ-
ent from any other signals.
The sound pressure level shall be at least 65dBA at any posi-
tion in the signal reception area, while being at least 15dB
above A-weighted ambient noise, but it may not exceed
The danger signal shall include frequency components
between 500Hz and 2500Hz. Pulsating danger signals are pre-
ferred to signals that are constant in time, while the repetition
frequencies shall be in the range from 0.5Hz to 4Hz.
Examples of compliant Praesideo tones are the 'DIN alarm'
(sweeping signal from 1200Hz down to 500Hz in 1s, repeat-
ing) and the '2-tone alarm 2' (alternating frequencies of 650Hz
and 850Hz, every frequency lasts 500ms, repeating).
Praesideo offers this functionality via its call macros. The
installer must configure the call macros accordingly.
Praesideo offers a wide choice of independent alert and alarm
Praesideo offers the possibility to configure a call macro with
an evacuation signal or evacuation message only.
en | 65


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