Widget Customization
For quick access to application functions
through mini-applications, widgets are
made available to be used on the Home
Screen by swiping Left/Right. Select
applications support widgets and may be
added to the Home Screen.
1. To customize the Home Screen Widgets,
select the Home Screen Widgets button
from the drop-down menu. (Refer to
Customization Menu Image)
2. On the Create Home Screen Widget
page, select available applications to
display on the Home Screen. Select Done
button to choose Widgets. Drag Apps
into desired order for display and select
Done. (Refer to Home Screen Widgets
and Widget Order Images)
Delete Applications
With the addition of new applications, user-
selected applications may be allowed
to be removed based on use or patient
1. To remove applications, select the Delete
Apps button from the drop-down menu.
(Refer to Customization Menu Image)
2. On the Delete Selected Apps page, if
available for removal, press the "X" in the
top right corner of the app icon to delete
from the Applications screen. Select
Note: Deleted applications may reappear
following system updates. (Refer to
Delete Applications Image)
Home Screen Widgets
Widget Order
Delete Applications