status to assign new programs.
7. Remove the tubes from the tube positions. The status of the tube positions will change to Free
Running multiple samples sequentially
Multiple samples can be run sequentially. In this example, three samples are processed using three different
Sample A is processed with program m_brain_01_01:
a Miltenyi Biotec program in the Miltenyi folder, optimized for the preparation of single-cell suspensions from
mouse neural tissue.
Sample B is processed with program 37°C_m_tumor_01:
a Miltenyi Biotec program in the Miltenyi folder, optimized for the preparation of single–cell suspensions from
mouse tumor, including an incubation step.
Sample C is processed with program C_01:
a template program provided by Miltenyi Biotec in the Templates folder. Programs in the Templates folder can
also be used as a basis to develop customized programs.
Note: Do not switch off the instrument while running a program to avoid severe damage of the instrument!
1. Insert Sample A into a free position. The status of the tube position will change from Free to Selected.
2. Press the Folder icon to locate the Miltenyi folder.
3. Select the program m_brain_01_01 from the list and press OK to confirm. The status of the tube position will
change to Ready.
4. Press Start to commence the program. The status of the tube position will change to Running.
Note: After selecting the program it is possible to skip the confirmation step OK by immediately pressing Start.
The program will immediately start, and the status of the tube position will change to Running.