ead all sa ety warnings and all instructions. ailure to ollow the warnings and
instructions may result in electric shock, re and or serious injury.
Save all warnings and instructions for future reference.
General instructions
o ensure correct and sa e operation, the user must read, understand and ollow
this instruction manual to assure amiliarity with the handling o the mist blower 1 .
sers insu ciently in ormed will risk danger to themsel es as well as others due
to improper handling.
t is recommended only to loan the mist blower to people who ha e pro en to be
e perienced with mist blowers.
Always hand o er the instruction manual.
irst-time users should ask the dealer or basic instructions to amiliari e onesel
with the handling o a mist blower.
Children and young persons aged under 18 years must not be allowed to operate
the mist blower. ersons o er the age o 16 years may howe er use the machine
or the purpose o being trained only while under the direct super ision o a
uali ed trainer.
se mist blowers with the utmost care and attention.
perate the mist blower only i you are in good physical condition.
er orm all work conscientiously and care ully. he user has to accept responsibility
or others.
Ne er use the mist blower while under the in uence o alcohol or drugs 2 .
o not use the unit when you are tired.
Sa e these instructions or uture re erral.
Intended use of the machine
se right machine. he mist blower is only intended or spraying li uid chemicals
and other li uids to control pests and weeds in ruit, ower and egetable gardens,
on trees and bushes and on other plants, such as co ee, tobacco and cotton. t is
also use ul in the maintenance o young trees or, e.g., controlling the bark beetle
and other pests and plant diseases.
Ne er use or any other purpose.
the machine is e uipped with proper pipe or blower operation, the machine can
be used or blower operation.
nly use plant protection products that are speci cally appro ed or use with mist
blowers by their manu acturer and that meet all applicable sa ety regulations,
standards and ordinances.
et in ormation rom your dealer on how to operate your mist blower.
applicable local sa ety regulations, standards and ordinances.
All operating and ser icing people should be trained and amiliari ed with the proper
handling procedures or the chemical products being used, as well as with rst aid
emergency care, and li uid chemical disposal regulations.
our mist blower is only or pro essional use. o not lend or rent your mist blower
without the instruction manual. Make sure that anyone using it understands the
in ormation contained in this instruction manual.
Personal protective equipment
o reduce the risk o injury when using chemical products, wear proper protecti e
apparel when lling, using and cleaning the mist blower. Always ollow all o
the chemical manu acturer s instructions with respect to proper eye, skin and
respiratory protection. hey may di er rom and e ceed the ollowing precautions.
hen using to ic chemicals, the operator and any bystanders may need to wear
a properly tted respirator appro ed or the chemical being used.
chemical product label. Breathing to ic chemicals can cause serious or atal injury.
he clothing worn should be unctional and appropriate, i.e. it should be tight tting
but not cause a hindrance. o not wear jewelry, clothing or long hair which could
be drawn into the air intake. 3
n order to a oid head-, eye-, hand- or oot injuries as well as to protect your
hearing the ollowing protecti e e uipment and protecti e clothing must be used
during operation o the mist blower.
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