Regulation with proportional differential pressure
In this regulating mode the differential pressure is reduced or
increased as the demand for water decreases or increases.
The Hs set point may be set from the display or by an external
signal 0-10V or PWM.
Regulation indicated for:
Heating and conditioning plants with high load losses
Two-pipe systems with thermostatic valves and head ≥ 4 m
Plants with secondary differential pressure regulator
Primary circuits with high load losses
Domestic water recirculating systems with thermostatic valves on the rising
Regulation with Constant Differential Pressure
In this regulating mode the differential pressure is kept constant,
irrespective of the demand for water,
The Hs set point may be set from the display or by an external
signal 0-10V or PWM.
Regulation indicated for:
Heating and conditioning plants with low load losses
Two-pipe systems with thermostatic valves and head ≤ 2 m
Single-pipe systems with thermostatic valves
Plants with natural circulation
Primary circuits with low load losses
Domestic water recirculating systems with thermostatic valves on the rising
Regulation with constant curve
In this regulating mode the circulator works on characteristic
curves at a constant speed. The operating curve is selected by
setting the rotation speed through a percentage factor. The
value 100% indicates the maximum limit curve. The actual
rotation speed may depend on the power and differential
pressure limits of your circulator model.
The rotation speed may be set from the display or by an external signal 0-10V or PWM.
Regulation indicated for heating and conditioning plants with constant flow.
Regulation with constant and proportional differential pressure
depending on the water temperature
The functions of EVOPLUS circulators can be modified by means of the control panel
on the cover of the electronic control device.
In this regulating mode the regulating set
point Hs is reduced or increased according
to the water temperature. THs may be set
from 0ºC to 100 ºC in order to allow
operation in both heating and conditioning
Regulation indicated for:
Plants with variable flow (two-pipe heating
plants), where a further reduction of the
circulator performance is ensured depending
on the lowering of the temperature of the
circulating liquid, when the demand for
heating is lower.
Plants with constant flow (single-pipe and
underfloor heating plants), where the
circulator performance can be regulated only
by activating the temperature influence