safety shoes.
Use the hole borer in soil only, do not use to bore holes in excessively rocky ground.
Ensure the auger bit is attached to the gearbox output shaft securely.
Do not bore holes in an area where there may be hidden gas and water pipes or electricity and other
Ensure the auger bit is attached to the gearbox output shaft securely.
Do not bore holes in an area where there may be hidden gas and water pipes or electricity and other
Ensure the auger bit is attached to the gearbox output shaft securely.
Ensure the auger bit is attached to the gearbox output shaft securely.
Use the hole borer in soil only, do not use to bore holes in excessively rocky ground.
Do not bore holes in an area where there may be hidden gas and water pipes or electricity and other
cables. Check with local authorities before commencing.
cables. Check with local authorities before commencing.
Do not use a damaged or worn auger bit.
Do not use a damaged or worn auger bit.
Do not use a damaged or worn auger bit.
Do not use a damaged or worn auger bit.
cables. Check with local authorities before commencing.
Do not bore holes in an area where there may be hidden gas and water pipes or electricity and other
Ensure the auger bit is attached to the gearbox output shaft securely.
Ensure the auger bit is attached to the gearbox output shaft securely.
Do not carry the auger with the engine running, the auger bit should not rotate when the engine is idling.
cables. Check with local authorities before commencing.
Do not carry the auger with the engine running, the auger bit should not rotate when the engine is idling.
Do not carry the auger with the engine running, the auger bit should not rotate when the engine is idling.
Do not carry the auger with the engine running, the auger bit should not rotate when the engine is idling.
Ensure the auger bit is attached to the gearbox output shaft securely.
Do not use a damaged or worn auger bit.
Do not use a damaged or worn auger bit.
Keep hands and feet away from the rotating auger bit at all times.
4. Manutenzione
Ensure the auger bit is attached to the gearbox output shaft securely.
Keep hands and feet away from the rotating auger bit at all times.
Keep hands and feet away from the rotating auger bit at all times.
Keep hands and feet away from the rotating auger bit at all times.
Do not use a damaged or worn auger bit.
a. Far riparare lo strumento da un tecnico qualificato che utilizza solo parti di ricambio identiche.
Do not carry the auger with the engine running, the auger bit should not rotate when the engine is idling.
Do not carry the auger with the engine running, the auger bit should not rotate when the engine is idling.
Always ensure that the engine is switched off and the spark plug cap is removed before making any
Ciò garantisce il mantenimento della sicurezza dell'utensile.
Do not use a damaged or worn auger bit.
Always ensure that the engine is switched off and the spark plug cap is removed before making any
Always ensure that the engine is switched off and the spark plug cap is removed before making any
Always ensure that the engine is switched off and the spark plug cap is removed before making any
Do not carry the auger with the engine running, the auger bit should not rotate when the engine is idling.
Keep hands and feet away from the rotating auger bit at all times.
Keep hands and feet away from the rotating auger bit at all times.
Do not carry the auger with the engine running, the auger bit should not rotate when the engine is idling.
Spiegazione dei simboli/icone che compaiono sulla macchina e delle etichette. Questi sono per la
Keep hands and feet away from the rotating auger bit at all times.
Before using your hole borer always visually inspect it to see if any parts are worn or damaged. Replace
Before using your hole borer always visually inspect it to see if any parts are worn or damaged. Replace
Always ensure that the engine is switched off and the spark plug cap is removed before making any
Always ensure that the engine is switched off and the spark plug cap is removed before making any
Before using your hole borer always visually inspect it to see if any parts are worn or damaged. Replace
Before using your hole borer always visually inspect it to see if any parts are worn or damaged. Replace
tua sicurezza e devono essere rispettati.
Keep hands and feet away from the rotating auger bit at all times.
damaged parts before using the machine.
Always ensure that the engine is switched off and the spark plug cap is removed before making any
damaged parts before using the machine.
damaged parts before using the machine.
damaged parts before using the machine.
Always ensure that the engine is switched off and the spark plug cap is removed before making any
Before using your hole borer always visually inspect it to see if any parts are worn or damaged. Replace
Before using your hole borer always visually inspect it to see if any parts are worn or damaged. Replace
Before using your hole borer always visually inspect it to see if any parts are worn or damaged. Replace
damaged parts before using the machine.
damaged parts before using the machine.
damaged parts before using the machine.
Before using your hole borer always visually inspect it to see if any parts are worn or damaged. Replace
damaged parts before using the machine.
Attenzione: Indossare
guanti protettivi quando
si utilizza la macchina e si
maneggia lo sporco.
Non utilizzare i piedi
per rimuovere lo
sporco dalla coclea
L'utilizzo di questo prodotto a benzina
in ambienti interni È PERICOLOSO PER
LA VITA. I gas di scarico contengono
monossido di carbonio, un gas velenoso
che non puoi vedere o annusare.
NON utilizzare MAI in casa o in aree
parzialmente chiuse come i garage.
Leggere il manuale
Conforme agli
prima dell'uso, della
standard di
manutenzione e
sicurezza europei.
della riparazione.
Debris may be
ejected from the
digging hole
Nota: coclea rotante
Tenere gli astanti e gli
quando la macchina
animali domestici lontani
è in funzione
dalla macchina durante il
Utilizzare SOLO all'aperto, lontano da
finestre, porte e prese d'aria aperte
I detriti possono
essere lanciati dal
Debris may be
Debris may be
Debris may be
Debris may be
ejected from the
ejected from the
ejected from the
ejected from the
digging hole
digging hole
digging hole
digging hole
Debris may be
Debris may be
ejected from the
ejected from the
Debris may be
digging hole
digging hole
ejected from the
digging hole