ReMOve THe HOse fROM THe seATpOsT
Move the oil pan on the floor beneath the seatpost.
Wrap a lint-free rag around the seatpost.
Use a 7 mm open end wrench to remove the hose
barb and strain relief at the seatpost. Allow any
hydraulic fluid to drain into the oil pan. Discard the
old hose, strain relief, and hose barbs.
If the hose makes the removal of the hose barb
and strain relief from the seatpost difficult, use
a side cutter or cable cutter to cut the hose just
below the strain relief.
Do not reuse the old hose, strain relief, or hose
HOse sHORTeNiNg/ReplAceMeNT
Reverb Bleed Kit User Manual
95-4215-006-000 Rev A