9. 7. 2
Announcement service
The announcement service is for incoming external calls, but if required it can also
be used for internal calls via a call distribution element. If a call from A is not answe-
red within a preset delay time by internal user B (who is either free or for whom call
waiting is enabled), the caller will hear a welcome announcement (provided the
call has not been rerouted to the alternative destination (Capolinea)
Once the announcement has been made, the caller obtains either the ring-back
tone, music, a pause or another announcement is made. This can be repeatedly en-
dlessly, with the possibility of playing back up to 20 different Wave files. A succes-
sion consisting of wave life, pause signal and pause duration is referred to as a se-
Fig. 231
Announcement service
As long as caller A is connected with announcement service, user B's terminal conti-
nues to ring. If B answers, the connection is put through immediately.
If B does not answer within the time configured under CM_2.3.3.2_
in the AMS Configuration Manager, the connection is cleared down.
Detailed Description
Tab. 312 Announcement service
Interface Operating sequence / signalling on the terminal Scope
If the internal user answers during the recorded
announcement, the announcement is interrupted.
The internal user's set continues to ring while the
welcome announcement is being played.
For the caller to hear the welcome announcement, a through-connection
has to be made on the exchange side, i. e. from that moment onwards the
caller incurs call charges.
1) Only for Italy
Funciones y prestaciones del sistema a partir de R2.1
syd-0370/1.2 – R2.1 – 07.2012
Possible interfaces:
• External
• internal, if the call is routed via a CDE
Announcement service is not activated if B
has activated a Call Forwarding Unconditio-
nal to an external destination (exchange-to-
exchange connection).
Internal ringing