Speaking Valve
noTE: If oxygen port is blocked or
obstructed, use a moistened Q-tip
with some of the cotton removed,
or pipe cleaner to gently remove any
remaining debris or encrustation. Rinse
again and reexamine.
CAUTion: Do not use a brush for
cleaning as it will cause damage to the
Do not use hot water as it will damage
the valve.
Do not use bleach or alcohol to clean
the valve.
Do not ETO, autoclave or radiation
sterilize the valve.
noTE: The Shiley Phonate Speaking
Valve is designed for single-patient use
How to Use the Shiley
1. Wash hands thoroughly.
2. Carefully hold the trach tube with one hand while grasp-
ing the Shiley Phonate Speaking Valve with the opposite
3. Attach valve to the 15 mm connector using a gentle
twisting motion. (Remove the Shiley Phonate Speaking
Valve if any respiratory distress or difficulty in breathing
4. To remove the Shiley Phonate Speaking Valve, carefully
hold the trach tube with one hand, while pulling the
device from the trach tube with a gentle twisting motion.
5. If using the Phonate Speaking Valve for the first time,
your home healthcare provider and/or speech patholo-
gist will want to observe your breathing for a period of
time to make sure you can breathe well around the trach
tube and speak without difficulty.
Using the Shiley phonate Speaking Valve with
oxygen port (SSVo)
To provide supplemental oxygen when the oxygen port
is present, remove the oxygen port cap, connect the
oxygen line tubing and adjust the oxygen flow rate to
prescribed setting.
phonate Speaking Valve