Ventilation pipe
Ventilation duct limiting pressure variations
inside the blackwater pumping station. The
pumping station must be ventilated above
the roof.
ND (Nominal Diameter)
Parameter used to characterise parts that are
suitable for each other, for example: pipes,
connections, sleeves.
Spent or used water that is not clean because
it has been discharged from homes, commer-
cial establishments, farms, and industries.
EN 12050-1
Current European standard for pumping sta-
tions for effluents containing faecal material
intended for discharge below the back-flow
level in buildings and on land.
Noise level
Expected sound emissions, expressed in
sound pressure level LpA in dB(A).
Back-flow level
The highest level that can reach the
wastewater flowing back into a discharge
Equipment which prevents, by gravity, the
penetration of harmful substances into the
discharge system by separating them from
wastewater, for example: grease trap.
Pumping station for blackwater
Facilities for the automatic collection and
pumping of wastewater and blackwater
above the back-flow level.
Dual station
Pumping station for blackwater equipped
with a second pump of the same power that
starts automatically when needed.
Inlet piping
Line through which wastewater from sanitary
fixtures is routed to the pumping station.
Discharge piping
Piping for raising wastewater above the
back-flow level routing it to the sewer.
Volume to be discharged between the start
level and the stop level.
The clearance is the space that needs to be
provided to allow comfortable fitting and
installation of the product.