4. Under the Frame Rate drop-down menu, select the desired frame rate for the specific
• Frame Rate choices (in FPS) are: 1, 2, 3, 7, 15, 30.
• The far-right column, under FPS, shows you how many FPS you have remaining.
5. Under the Quality drop-down menu, select the desired video quality for the specific channel.
• Quality setting choices are: Super, Highest, High, Medium, Low.
6. Under the Audio drop-down menu, select ON or OFF to enable or disable audio in a specific
7. Under the Alarm drop-down menu, select the alarm you wish to activate (Alarms 1~4).
8. Click OK to save your settings.
Configuring Panic Recording Settings
To configure Panic Recording Settings:
1. Click the Panic sub-menu on the navigation bar on the left (Record>Panic). The Panic
Recording Setting window opens.
Figure 23.3 Panic Recording Setting window.
2. Under the Resolution drop-down menu, select the desired resolution for the specific
• The Resolution choices are: 352 x 240, 704 x 240, 704 x 480.
3. Under the Framerate drop-down menu, select the desired frame rate for the specific
• Frame rate choices (in FPS) are: 1, 2, 3, 7, 15, 30.
• The far-right column, under FPS, shows you how many FPS you have remaining.
4. Under Quality, select the quality of video during panic recording for the specific channel.
• Quality setting choices are: Super, Highest, High, Medium, Low.
5. Under Audio, select ON or OFF to enable or disable audio for the specific channel.
6. Click OK to save your settings.