Proper use
2.1 Proper use
The eSCHELL water management system is used to network, control and mo-
nitor fittings via a central e
ensuring the best possible hygiene and efficient handling of ater and energy.
t is developed for use in public, semi public and commercial sanitary rooms.
se of any other ind or hich goes beyond this is considered to be improper.
When programming the eSCHELL water management system, the "generally
accepted rules of technology (Aa d ) are to be adhered to.
n particular, the hygiene functions of the e
must be aligned
Ensuring drin ing water uality t roug stagnation us es
lectronic equipment for ensuring
and be maintained repaired
reliability of the system and its components, you cannot al ays be certain to
avoid failures. f a system of this ind fails in full or in part, manual
change measures must be ta en at all tapping points.
tagnation ushes are used to maintain the
stallations. o this end, the rules and regulations require a complete
change in the installation every
Programming of the e
the professional planner to have no ledge of the installation.
here are t o necessary requirements for a high quality stagnation ush
. As far as possible, a turbulent o
. he o
he simultaneities on
the stagnation ushes.
ith the respective sanitary installation.
The eSCHELL water management system does not check the
hygienic condition of drinking water. It assumes harmless water
quality. Too small a water exchange may lead to an excessive
proliferation of bacteria!
acteria in drin ing
ces, or even lead to death.
> ou should therefore carefully plan stagnation flushes and observe
the follo ing advice.
hen the hygienic findings are perfect ( D
pressure should never fall belo
hich the planner based the dimensioning of the drin-
ater installation, are therefore the basis for successful programming of
ater management server
LL ater management system
ater may affect health in certain circumstan-
ater quality must be monitored regularly
hen necessary. n spite of the very high intrinsic
ater quality in drin ing
hours. his interval can only be e tended to
ater management server therefore requires
must be generated.
ith the aim of
ater e -
ater in-
ater e -
and D N N
mbar at any tapping