Developer Information
Blackmagic HyperDeck Ethernet Protocol
The Blackmagic HyperDeck Ethernet Protocol is a text based protocol accessed by connecting
to TCP port 9993 on HyperDeck models that have a built in Ethernet connection. If you are
a software developer, you can use the protocol to construct devices that integrate with our
products. Here at Blackmagic Design our approach is to open up our protocols and we eagerly
look forward to seeing what you come up with!
Protocol Commands
help or ?
device info
disk list
disk list: slot id: {n}
preview: enable: {true/false}
play: speed: {-5000 to 5000}
play: loop: {true/false}
play: single clip: {true/false}
playrange set: clip id: {n}
playrange set: clip id: {n} count: {m}
playrange set: in: {inT} out: {outT}
playrange set: timeline in: {in} timeline out:
playrange clear
play on startup
play on startup: enable: {true/false}
play on startup: single clip: {true/false}
play option
play option: stop mode:
record: name: {name}
record spill
Command Description
Provides help text on all commands and parameters
return commands in XML format
return device information
query clip list on active disk
query clip list on disk in slot {n}
disconnect ethernet control
check device is responding
switch to preview or output
play from current timecode
play at specific speed
play in loops or stop-at-end
play current clip or all clips
query playrange setting
set play range to play clip {n} only
set play range to {m} clips starting from clip {n}
set play range to play between:
- timecode {inT} and timecode {outT}
set play range in units of frames between:
- timeline position {in} and position {out} clear/reset play
range setting
clear/reset play range setting
query unit play on startup state
enable or disable play on startup
play single clip or all clips on startup
query play options
set output frame when playback stops
record from current input
record named clip
spill current recording to next slot